Conditional Sentence Type 3

Nisa Fitriyani


Activity I
Read this dialogue, and answer the question below.

dialog 1

Aldo: Hai Celine!

Celine: Oh hi, what’s up? You look like a panda with the swelled eye.

Aldo: I have been crying, actually my mother was angry because I didn’t pass the exam

Celine: Oh honey, I see. If you had studied well, you would have passed the exam

Aldo: Yeah, I regretted.

Celine: How about you talk to your teacher and ask her to give you a second chance?

Aldo: That’s sounds good.

Celine: So let’s go


1.      Why was Aldo’s mother angry?

2.      What is Celine suggestion to Aldo?


dialog 2

Ahmed: We had a great time at Drew's house Sunday, Why didn't you come?

Banu: I had to study for Spanish

Ahmed: If you had come with us, you would have seen an awesome movie.

Banu: Yeah? What?

Ahmed: We rented Back to the Future. It's about a kid who time travels back to his parents’ high school days. He changes his own future. At the end, his parents...

Banu: Wait Don't tell me. If you tell me the ending, you will spoil it for me. I want to see it myself.

Ahmed: OK, but have you ever thought about that?

Banu: About what?

Ahmed: About how things could be different. You grew up he in Lampung, and you're almost an adult now. But what would your childhood have been like if you had different family?

Banu: Let's see. If I had had a different family, I wouldn't have grown up here in Lampung.

Ahmed: And if you hadn't grown up here, I wouldn't have met you.

Banu: That's true. But getting back to the here-and-now, how did you do on the Spanish test?

Ahmed: I flunked. I wish I hadn't taken that course. I'm going to fail.

Banu: You just don't study enough. If you study more, you will pass this course easily this semester.

Ahmed: That's easy for you to say. You always get A's.

Banu: Sometimes I don't. It's not automatic. I don't get A's unless I study hard.

Ahmed: I suppose you're right.

Banu: If I were you, I would try to do better on the next test.


1.      Why didn’t Banu come to Drew’s house??

2.      What is Banu suggestion to Ahmed in the end of the dialog?


Activity II

        Direction: Based on the dialogue, what is the formula of conditional sentence type III?


If you had studied well, you would have passed the exam

If + ……..…….. + V……... + Object, ……….... + ………...+ V…….. + Object





If + ………………………………..………. tense, …………..…………..………………. tense




Activity III

        Direction: Fill the underline with the best answer based on the sentence!






Based on the activity above, what is the formula of real meaning in conditional sentence type III?


Sara didn’t win the race last Sunday because she didn’t run fast.


……..…….. + V……... + Object because/as ……….... + ………...+ V…….. + Object





…..………………………………..………. tense






Activity IV
Direction: Make the real meaning from the sentence below!

1.      If she had studied English well, she would have played football every morning.


2.      If they had had a small house, they would have cleaned all of the rooms.


3.      If he had had much money, he would have bought a new car.


4.      If I hadn’t had a fever, I would have gone to school



Activity V

Direction: Continue the sentence with your own words and make the real meaning of your sentence!

1.      If I had had much money,……………………………………………………………………………

Real meaning: ………………………….………………………………………………………

2.      If Justin Bieber had been my best friend, ..……………………………………………………..

Real meaning: ………….……………….……………………………………………………..

3.      I would have not think of you,..……………….…………………………………………………….

Real meaning: …………………………….…………………………………………………


Activity V



v  Conditional Sentence type III is to describe a condition that………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


v  The formula of Conditional Sentence type III is:


( + ) ……………………………………………………………………….


( - ) ……………………………………………………………………….


v  The formula real meaning in conditional sentence type III is:







Reserved: Good Luck


